Monday, June 9, 2008 

Be A Travel Writer - Fun While You Earn

One of the purest joys in life is to travel to virgin places. Places that have not yet been touched or treaded into. The excitement of unraveling the mysteries is too tempting for anyone to control his passion and resist from the inevitable. That is to making a foray into the alien, mysterious place. Not that people are not alarmed at doing something which has not yet been done. But it is this heady mixture of bravado and butterflies that make this whole venture so exciting. And if one gets to do this to make his living then he can simply be called supremely lucky. Indeed, to be a travel writer is the best profession that a travel enthusiast can ever let his hand on. Not only does he get to do what he likes most, but, to add to that he also gets paid for it. It surely is one combination that simply cannot be beaten.

However, one must understand that to be a travel writer it is imperative that one possesses certain qualities. First of which is to remain alive to whatever is happening around. Passive traveller can never be a good travel writer. A good travel writer must be like a sponge. He should be able to take in all the experience as it unfolds and then squeeze last drop of it as and when he writes about it. This surely would breathe life into his writing. Then one must also get rid of his complaining nature or else he would never be able to strike a chord with the place. Nor would he be able to establish any worthy communication with aboriginals, and if this happens then one can never think of producing a script that can ever move anyone.

If on the other hand one possesses or develops a nature that enjoys every thing that it comes across then one is sure to create a piece that would work as a window for the rest of the world, providing the most incisive information and exclusive report that can introduce the secluded mass of land to the world and give it its rightful due. One must not forget that travel writers have a lot to do in redemption of Africa from a dark continent of yesteryears to one of the most happening tourist attractions of today. To be a travel writer, therefore, requires a lot of determination hard work and it certainly is not a child's play.

If one gets a high on meeting stranger, travelling to foreign locale and if one has the habit of writing diaries then one must seriously think to be a travel writer for one has all the qualities present in him and all that is required is chiseling and harnessing of talent before one can develop the art of creating magic with words.

Author: Mike Joe is a connoisseur of traveling and entertainment. He loves journeying far and wide in the quest of experiencing different lifestyles and gathering information about the best places to eat, drink and stay in different countries and lands. Over here, Mike talks about be a travel writer.


Cheap Vacation Travel And That Much Deserved Vacation Getaway

I don't know about you, but at least once if not twice a year I get the overwhelming desire to get out of town fast. Not because of anything illegal mind you, but I have just had enough of the hustle and buss ell and grind. I believe you know what I'm talking about and have probably been there a time or two yourself. Unfortunately for me, I just can't fly away to my favorite tropical vacation spot, (and yes I do have one and yes it's awesome!) without checking for the best price out there. After all we all have budgets to contend with when it comes to our vacations.

Everyone would like to go for a vacation once in while. Taking a vacation helps in relaxing yourself as well as it gives you a good break from your everyday chores and routine life. Once in a year at least you should take a vacation with your family members or relatives. However there are many people who are not able to go for a vacation because they simply can't afford it. Well there is good news for these people. In order to promote tourism many countries are working with travel companies to make cheap vacations a reality now to offer cheap vacations.

Let us discuss further on how you can bring your idea of a cheap vacation to fruition. The best solution for a cheap vacation is to take a package tour through a tour operator. A package tour through a tour operator is cheaper because the tour operator does all his booking in bulk in relation to airline tickets, hotel reservations and local sight seeing transport. The tour operator passes on this benefit to you. Also avoid going to places during peak seasons as the hotels tend to raise their prices during this period. Avoid going on a vacation on weekends as well as this is the time when maximum tourist will take a vacation and hence the prices will be on the higher side.

As far as possible pay the full money in advance for your hotel reservations and other travel related reservations. The respective parties will be more than happy to give you good discounts because you are paying the cash well in advance. Be flexible in your choice of hotels so that in case a particular hotel is charging a lot of money, you can go to another hotel and negotiate on the rates. Cheap vacations can be a reality now. As mentioned before tourism to various countries is increasing by leaps and bounds every year as a result of which the countries are competing with each other. Hence in order to promote their country, the tourism industry has considerably brought down their rates. You should always be on the look out for any special offers by the country or the tour operators.

Hence we see that vacations that were expensive in the past are getting cheaper and cheaper and so more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon and taking maximum advantage of cheap vacations. The trend seems to be in the down direction so in the future these same vacations will grow cheaper and cheaper.

Doug Benson DWB Enterprises

I write articles on a broad range of topics for a variety of Internet entities. I spent twenty years in the corporate sector and private sector where I have gleaned a clean writing style that is informative and to the point. I am currently retired from corporate America and self employed doing consulting work with small retail businesses and New Internet Startups.

Education/Experience: BA University of Maryland, Business Administration

Interests: travel, writing, golf, fishing, consulting