Wednesday, June 11, 2008 

Travel The World - Experience The Places That Other Tourists Do Not Know About Yet

For many younger people taking a gap year and traveling the world is seen as their last chance to experience true freedom before they enter the big hard world of corporate pressure or before starting a few hard years of studying at university. For many of us in the world our holidays amount to two weeks in the sun in the summer and the odd weekend away here and there if we are lucky or until we have kids of our own, so what is the big deal about traveling the world for a year and what is the best way to spend your time when seeing the world?

As we all know the world is a much smaller place now than it was twenty years ago, cheap airlines, the internet and improvements in communication have made all four corners of the world accessible to all. Even the remotest of places on earth are accessible if you are determined enough to get to them opening up a totally new world of experiences to the hardy traveler.

But even within Europe there are placed that for many years in the past have been totally out of bounds to travelers and now with the break up of the former Soviet states many countries are welcoming tourists to their shores as they are seen as a vital part of their economy. To many of the ex Soviet countries tourism is still in its infancy so it is still possible to get to see the real side of the country rather than the commercialized side that we usually get to see when in the more popular tourist destinations. The benefits of this are numerous, you get to see totally wonderful architecture that was constructed for the country rather than for the tourist, you get to meet people that are still inquisitive with tourists rather than seeing them as a way to make a fast buck and finally you will generally find that these countries are cheaper than may other tourist hotspots as at present they are grateful for the increase in revenue that tourists bring to them.

This will not always be the case though so while you can you would be advised to take the opportunity to take the time to visit countries such as Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Bulgaria before tourism becomes a way of life for the inhabitants. You may think that Bulgaria is a strange place to visit in the context of new tourism but for much of the land tourism is a relatively new phenomenon as most tourists who do visit the country tend to stay at the beach resorts on the East coast and venture no further a field. Those who do take the time to travel Bulgaria will find a country that has a varied landscape of mountains and lakes that in the winter yield great skiing conditions and in the summer months are great for climbers and walkers. Those who do travel Bulgaria are always impressed by what they find, and this is the same with so many of the Balkan states, countries with beautiful untouched countryside that offers a wonderful holiday to anyone who would like to do something a little different.

From these countries it is now possible to enter Russia, as long as you have the correct paperwork, and continue your traveling right the way across Europe and into Asia to visit some truly untouched countries that are as welcoming as they are beautiful. This is the type of traveling that you are unlikely to get another chance in life to replicate so if and when you get the opportunity you would be wise to take it and have memories that will last a lifetime of countries that are totally unspoilt. This has got to be a better option than traveling around the same old tourist spots that everyone else will be doing.

For more info on all things Bulgaria, travel and holidays please visit our site -

Travel Bulgaria

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Harwood E Woodpecker


By And Large, Business Travel Is Not A Pleasurable Experience

Business travel has become so common that a considerable proportion of the corporate world of America is spending more time in airplanes and hotels than on their couches or in their automobiles.

According to a recent estimate, about 40 million adults in the US travel on business at least once a year to a location about 50 miles from home. More than 20 percent of the trips made by African Americans, for instance, are related to their work.

Those who do not need to travel frequently on business consider business travel glamorous and exciting. However, in reality, business travel is often arduous.

It is tough physically, tough on the family, and especially tough on the pockets of businesspersons who do not have the luxury of generous expense accounts to take care of their travel expenses.

In addition, those who travel on business regularly, quickly wise up to the fact that a stress-free and safe journey requires the smooth functioning of a number of interconnected factors, which includes the vagaries of the weather.

According to a study conducted recently, monitoring business travel trends:

- 58 percent of business travel is undertaken for association meetings and conferences,

- 43 percent comprising of business travel made by individuals,

- and 29 percent for corporate meetings.

The study also identified some of the most popular destinations within the US for business travel. They are:

- Washington, D.C.,

- New York,

- Los Angeles/Long Beach,

- Chicago,

- Atlanta,

- Boston,

- Houston,

- Minneapolis-St. Paul,

- Detroit,

- and Dallas.

Irrespective of what the destination is, business travel is seldom an enjoyable experience. Some companies will allow their business travelers the opportunity to enjoy their travel surroundings but this is usually short lived depending on the demands of the trip.

Business travelers, who have to make frequent trips, need special facilities to ease the hassles of traveling. Airlines and hotels are increasing the levels of services they provide in order to meet the growing demands of business travelers:

Usually, business travelers research fares on their own and make their reservations online. According to a survey, it was found that only 32 percent of corporate travelers used the services of travel agents for their reservation needs, while the rest, 68 percent, preferred using the internet or online services to plan at least some part of their business traveling arrangements.

Business travelers are usually technologically conversant; hence, choose to handle all their traveling arrangements through the Internet, limiting the necessity of having to interact with travel agents and professionals dealing with customer service.

Most tourism related sites offer one-stop travel facilities for reservations of flights, booking rooms in hotels, and providing transportation on the ground.

Major airlines like Delta and American have included travel-friendly features like locating cheap fares, finding economical hotel accommodation, and hiring cars on a rental basis inexpensively on their websites.

Travelers, thus, can make arrangements for an entire business trip, which includes seating preferences, confirming special food requests, and a text message or e-mail verifying their flight status and information about the departure timings with a few clicks of the mouse button.
Most of these sites provide boarding passes that can be printed out and online check-ins within 24 hours of the departure of the flight.

At the airport, those travelers in a hurry can take advantage of check-in kiosks in order not to have to wait in long lines, and get their boarding passes and their seating information.

Frequent Flyer Miles, Automatic Upgrades, and Comfortable Seating:

One of the biggest perks of traveling frequently on business is the facility of accumulating points, which can be exchanged for vacations. Travelers, therefore, are always on the look out for hotels offering generous points facilities.

Frequent air travelers also favor automatic upgrades and comfort inside the airplane, such as generous legroom and additional storage facilities overhead. Business traveler programs like EliteAccess provided by Continental Airlines offer comforts like guarantees of no-middle-seat and upgrades to the first class if possible.

Getting Value for Money:

Companies are constantly curtailing overhead expenses by cutting down on the travel allowances they give their executives, while business travelers look for ways in which they can maximize their allowances to the fullest.

For example, several hotels offer free breakfasts, while others provide complimentary facilities such as a welcoming snack or allowing their guests to make free long distance and local calls. Many hotels also offer free newspapers, tea and coffee.

Feeling at Home Far Away from Home:

Business travelers are so frequently away from home that they look for services that replicate their home comforts.

Although hotels are selected primarily for value and location, but business travelers expect home-like comforts like high quality toiletries, comfortable bedding, choices in beverages, cable TV and films, broadband internet access, exercise and convenient check-in/out facilities, and so on.

Visit and checkout the Business Travel page for more interesting Business Travel tid bits.

Will is the developer of a website devoted to all things pertaining to travel such as Destinations, Safety, Planning, Travel Deals, and Lodging.