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Sunday, June 8, 2008 

Characteristics of a Great Travel Companion

Have you ever wondered what truly makes a perfect travel companion? Here are the different characteristics that will answer your question:

1. He/she should share the same love or passion for traveling.

Your potential travel mate should be someone who also loves the places you long to see, the food you want to eat, or activities you like to try. You basically do not like to deal with a travel buddy who needs a lot of convincing before he tries out something with you. You are just wasting your time and energy on that person.

2. He/she must be worth your trust.

Unless you know the person too well, there is a huge possibility that your travel friend is not someone you truly know. You may not even meet him at all, except through photos and some exchange of e-mails. That is why trust plays a very integral role if you are planning not to go for singles travel. If you get invited by persons to be their travel mate and you definitely feel uncomfortable, then you better not pursue it. Chances are your instincts are right.

3. It is better if he/she has keen sense of direction.

One of the greatest challenges when traveling to other places, more so in foreign countries, is following directions. After all, streets are unfamiliar, buildings are unknown, and it is definitely going to be your first time to try out everything. Your travel buddy does not have to be from the location where you are going, though it is actually advisable. The least thing you can do is to look for a companion who very well knows how to read maps and ask the right questions from the right people. You will be surprised on how much time you can spend from just interpreting the directions or instructions you can see in your map.

4. He/she must be willing to share the expenses with you.

There are different reasons why you may like to look for a travel friend. It does not really have to involve finances, though you will surely want to have someone who is willing to share the expenses with you. Fortunately, there are lots of them. What is more, they are more than glad to discuss how the costs will be divided between the both of you. You can either identify as to who pays what, or you may want to divide all of the expenses in half.

5. A great travel friend is someone who is willing to compromise.

Whether you like it or not, there are definitely times when you will not agree on certain things. Perhaps you prefer your restaurant over his or your travel companion wants to explore a certain activity, which you do not want to. Hence, you may want to search for a travel buddy who can be as open-minded as you. This way, you know that both of you can easily come up with a good compromise in the end.

You can find a good travel partner possessing all these characteristics through various travel websites. Most of them have the ability to match your preferences to the names located in their database.

Richard McKenzie is a constant traveler and owner of Travel Friend, a website that helps people all over the world find the perfect travel companion for them. If you need some assistance or you want more information, you can e-mail him at info@travelfriend.us